Star Funded Courses and Trade Academies

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Within school there are general vocational courses taught that have direct links to vocational qualifications e.g. Automotive, Tourism and Childcare.

Dual Enrolment

Outside of school, students in Years 12 and 13 may consider a dual enrolment at institutions such as Ara, Avon City Ford, Vision or the National Trade Academy (NTA).  Students do 3 subjects at school and a part-time course off site.  All credits achieved lead to Level 2 and Level 3 NCEA. Students apply through Mrs Langdon to be considered for this option.

Taster Courses

STAR Funding allows Year 11 to 13 students to attend Vocational Taster Courses.  These are 1-5 day courses held at various training providers in the Christchurch area.

Students are selected individually, either by referral or personal choice.

To enrol in a STAR funded course, you must first gain approval from the HOD careers, Mr Stewart.