Teacher in Charge: Mrs F. Elmes.
Did you know that French is the only other language (apart from English) that is spoken across all 5 continents? Approximately, 300 million people across the world speak French as their mother tongue. Having French as a second language will definitely open doors in your future!
This course is designed to introduce students to the French language, culture and customs. Students will study the basics of the language, French culture, geography and "savoir vivre".
During the course, students will develop their awareness of the French language using textbooks, videos and DVDs, online French learning sites, role playing and songs. Students are strongly encouraged to utilise the Language Perfect programme as part of the course.
Learning French up to NCEA Level 3 enables the students to enrol at university to further their study of the language. Opportunities available to students who have studied French include: working for French/International companies, any career requiring communication skills (legal representatives, journalism, marketing and sales), hospitality and tourism industries, or teaching.
Year 9 Student Selected Courses, Languages & ESOL
A BYOD device is recommended for this course