Papanui High School Papanui High School

Year 10 Science - Full Year - Compulsory

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs S. Hanlon.

Recommended Prior Learning

In Year 10 Science is a core subject, for four periods per week for the full year.

In year 10 Science students will complete a compulsory general science course covering aspects from the Living World, the Material World, and the Physical World. 

During the Living World topic students will focus on structure and function of different body systems in the human body. They engage in hands-on learning through dissections, where you'll get to examine specimens and gain a deeper understanding of cells and human anatomy. Through classroom activities, they will learn how these systems work together to maintain life and respond to stimuli.

In the Material World topic, they will investigate the properties of acids and bases. They will carry out experiments to discover the pH scale and learn how it measures the pH of substances. Through experiments and research, they will complete an inquiry and investigation on ocean acidification – an issue impacting marine ecosystems and explore ways to mitigate this critical concern.

During the Physical World topic students will look at investigating different types of energy and its transformations. They will carry out building projects such as designing catapults and roller coasters to unpack the relationship between kinetic and potential energy. This will lead to building their own Rube Goldberg machine, a whimsical contraption that showcases complex energy transfers. 

Throughout the course, students will develop essential scientific skills, such as observation, experimentation, data analysis, and critical thinking and will be required to work collaboratively on group projects. Assessment in this course will include practical experiments, written reports, presentations, quizzes, and collaborative projects.

Learning Areas:

Science, Year 10 Compulsory Subjects


SCIENCE - Alive & Kicking - Full Year, SCIENCE - CSI: Science Unleashed - Full Year, SCIENCE - EcoGarden - Full Year, SCIENCE - Engineering Our World - Full Year, SCIENCE - Science for Survival - Full Year, SCIENCE - Subatomic to Cosmic - Full Year

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

A BYOD device is recommended for this course.