
Year 10 Wānanga - Full Year - Compulsory

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Ms A. Sullivan.

Wānanga celebrates what is unique and special about our kura in a way that reflects our locally agreed contexts, histories, knowledge and stories. It provides our ākonga with a clear understanding of what it means to be a “Papanui Learner” and the skills and strategies they need to employ to ensure they are achieving their “Personal Best”.

Topics covered include:

  • PHS Values

  • School Haka & Waiata

  • E Tū Tāngata

  • Goal Setting & Learning Habits

  • Careers Education

  • Language Week Celebrations

  • Digital Citizenship

This class runs for two periods per week.

Recommended Prior Learning

Year 10 English is a core subject of four periods per week for the full year.
